Sunday, September 2, 2012

BLG9.1.12 Virgin Tour

Although not a famous, published author (that I dream to be), I am one who thinks and writes every day. Truthfully, seldom do I have to make myself take time to write. I hear something on the television or read some idea or word that sets me off and I lean over to my bedside table and grab a journal. I have different types of journals for different types of writing I do. I have a pretty one for chronological lists of books by my favorite authors, and reviews of their books.
I have my green journal that has my research on the Jacobites and King James II, whom I fell a little in love with when I read Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley. Their plight so inspired me that I now find myself looking up everything I can, drawing maps and making boards of the Tudor and Stuart/Stewart family trees. It has been fun, and yes, it is considered part of my daily writing. One should not compartmentalize writing to just sitting and writing. I feel the research and organization of thoughts as part of the process.
My pink journal is for writing about my life. The stories about time periods or relationships, but it is just about me. In order to craft my writing skills I felt that perusing myself and what I perceive of how I changed and grew through a time period and or with a person/persons was most familiar, or is it? It is so interesting to read how I look at the past now and what I got out of it, and still do. When I was out working there was never time to such intra-spection. It is not only enlightening but sometimes humorous. I have actually sent a couple of old boyfriends notes apologizing for being a needy, thoughtless child.
There is a blue journal that I have yet to begin but it is prudent to have an extra on hand. “We who write” is a mantra of mine. I am not classifying myself as a published author, I am referring to any of us who make the conscious effort to think, research and write if only for the pleasure of writing. One of the little things that I enjoy is writing longhand on paper but tonight I became inspired reading another writers blog and I turned on my computer (plus I like this font).
Lastly is my flower journal that is actually a sketch pad of heavy paper and I have applied flower vellum paper to the cover. This is on my dresser and I write books I want to read, various notes about different subjects. I write in pencil and when I have used the information I erase it and the page is ready for another tid-bit, drawing or book just waiting for my attention in the not to distant future.


  1. Love the tittle. It makes me think of "The Haunting"
    "we who roam here roam alone"
    And research absolutely counts as writing, as do those dialogs you have in your head (are we all just a little schizophrenic?)

  2. I also like your blog title, but for a different reason. It reminds me that although we each do our primary work in solitude, writers are a cohesive community nonetheless. Social networking makes it possible to experience that community spirit more now than in the past.

  3. Schitzophrenic it is then Karla. I feel most peoples have many stories within, the difference is we feel the need to share.
    Shannon, I am so glad you like my effort here. The benevolence and "cohesive community" of we who write is encouraging and supportive. I feel most welcome. Thanks to you both.
