My dreams occur on several levels. Because of medications, my ‘real’ dreams are far and few. The most recurrent dream I am standing on the cliffs overlooking the North Sea. Below the surf is crashing wildly against the rocks that were once part of the cliffs, and the wind sends up the cold spray against my face. Over my left shoulder is a stone cottage atop a single hill. Light reflects in all directions off the original glass in the small windows, and there is white smoke puffing out between blasts of wind. My peripheral vision is drawn to the green tinged door that appears to be made of wood from old ship hatches. Over my right shoulder is what is left of Slains castle. The tower remains intact and the Countess of Erroll is still standing in front of the floor to ceiling windows of the main room. I join her in scanning the horizion waiting for the first sighting of a bright white sail. We will be on watch for eternity, or as long as I dream. Occassionally a ship will anchor and we will be visited by a handsome man of the sea.
But I have other dreams that are not from the subconscious. They things I feel passionately about and are from my soul. They appear to me in consciousness and ‘twilight’. These dreams include doing away of many things including: young girls wearing too short, too tight, boustierre and strapless dresses (especially in daylight hours of non-celebratory atmosphere), men wearing baseball caps everywhere, over-use of the word F–K, the government giving our money to other countries that would not lift a finger for us. I dream of a life with no reality television and, especially, no Kardashians.
But my dream this week is for cessation of the middle east wars so our people can come home. I dream of strength and peace, and I send best wishes to all of you for a prosperous and productive 2015.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Beauty Mark
By: Jan Moran
In reviewing, I don't like to tell the story because we want you to read it. I was honored to receive an advanced copy to read and review. I was not compensated nor was there any bartering of services.In this, the second of the Hostile Beauty series, Beauty Mark, we experience the personal and professional trials of Escarlata "Scarlett" Sandoval, an intellectual property attorney at Marsh and Gold law firm in L.A. She is acosted by her immediate superior while on an overseas busienss trip. Afterwhich he toys with her, knowing she is up for her partner interview in a week, and won't do anything to ruin that. Followed by a spokesperson blatently ruining the meet with their new client, with no plausable explaination. Then there are a series of dangerous and deadly attempts on her life, again unexplained. Until she sees a newscast in a bar.Personally, she has grown up with Johnny Silva, the handsome and ever so charming, bow-tiie wearing matre'd of Hollywood's Polo Club. He is at one with the movers and shakers of the community. He has grown up, and been in love, with Scarlett since childhood. Now, when she needs him most, he is there and the fright of her life has unleashed her true passion for him. I loved the way the author brought this into what was happening. It was a flawless transition for one emotion to another. Scarlett is also supported by the stars of book one "Flawless" Verena and Lance, Fianna Fitzgerald and Dahlia Dubois.
I am thoroughly enjonying this series. I am on my second read. The way Ms. Moran has written this, it is easy to read. You are not overwhelmed with characters-she makes up for it in drama. I don't have to go back to check something written to see if it is explained previously. This is a series you will read every year, and enjoy it every time. I look forward to Book Three.
In reviewing, I don't like to tell the story because we want you to read it. I was honored to receive an advanced copy to read and review. I was not compensated nor was there any bartering of services.In this, the second of the Hostile Beauty series, Beauty Mark, we experience the personal and professional trials of Escarlata "Scarlett" Sandoval, an intellectual property attorney at Marsh and Gold law firm in L.A. She is acosted by her immediate superior while on an overseas busienss trip. Afterwhich he toys with her, knowing she is up for her partner interview in a week, and won't do anything to ruin that. Followed by a spokesperson blatently ruining the meet with their new client, with no plausable explaination. Then there are a series of dangerous and deadly attempts on her life, again unexplained. Until she sees a newscast in a bar.Personally, she has grown up with Johnny Silva, the handsome and ever so charming, bow-tiie wearing matre'd of Hollywood's Polo Club. He is at one with the movers and shakers of the community. He has grown up, and been in love, with Scarlett since childhood. Now, when she needs him most, he is there and the fright of her life has unleashed her true passion for him. I loved the way the author brought this into what was happening. It was a flawless transition for one emotion to another. Scarlett is also supported by the stars of book one "Flawless" Verena and Lance, Fianna Fitzgerald and Dahlia Dubois.
I am thoroughly enjonying this series. I am on my second read. The way Ms. Moran has written this, it is easy to read. You are not overwhelmed with characters-she makes up for it in drama. I don't have to go back to check something written to see if it is explained previously. This is a series you will read every year, and enjoy it every time. I look forward to Book Three.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
The Sapphire Brooch (Celtic Brooch Triology #2)
By: Katherine Lowry Logan
I was honored to be asked to Beta-read this manuscript. I was not paid or reimbursed in any way for my services or this review. It is a true record of my feelings, as per my copious notes.
Sapphire follows Ruby as catalyst to transport whomever can open the stone and recite the Gaelic incantation. With the Ruby, it was to the overland trek of the pioneers. Kit MacKlenna meets her cousin Abraham, aka Braham, and his lifetime friend and law partner, Cullen. She falls in love with Cullen and decides to stay in the past with him.
In Sapphire, Dr. Charlotte Mallory of Richmond VA spends much of her spare time in Civil War re-enactments. She is considered very knowledgable of the era. One such re-enactment weekend, of the Battle of Cedar Creek, she recieves a box in the mail from an Edinburgh legal firm. In her hurry, she puts it aside until a break when she opens it, recites the incantation and is transported back into the middle of the real Battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. After she acclimates herself, she recalls a certain General would be injured and so looks for, and finds, him. She cared for him until his death, with Gen. Custer at the bedside for his friend. Then she is summoned by Gen. Sheridan, who says he will burn down her family plantation, thus changing the family history, if she does not go to Chimborzo prision and rescue a Major Michael Abraham (Braham) McCabe. When she finds him, his abdominal wound is life threatening and the only thing she can do is take him back to her 21st century hospital, where longtime friend, Ken, does the surgery. Her brother, Jack help. Braham quickly recovers and begins to acclimate. His cousine, Kit, told him of her time travel. He inadvertently learns some Civil War history and the fate of President Lincoln.
What follows is a fight to save President Abraham Lincoln from assassination and preserve the history of the Civil War and the Mallory family. It is a very exciting love story and point on history of the War, and some true characters that will make you scream. I did some independent reading of certain events she covered that sparked my imagination, and I just needed to know more.
The development of the ARC's and movement between the Civil War, at its worst, and the 21st century are not confusing. The history is not like reading a text book but an actual part of the action. I had a few surprises as the outcome of some characters turned out to be beyond what I imagined. Most of all...myself and you readers will love the final courtroom scene. It was and additional and unexpected scene that no one could have written better.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
The Magical World of Books/The Writer's Journey Roadmap
Unlike most of you, I’m sure, books did not play a role in my young
life. My life was the desert, the mountains and the kids. A large group
of us were together from grade school through high school. In the summer
we lived at Crystal Pool in the day and “the park”, a one block lot
next to the elementary school. It had several grassy knolls just perfect
for clique meetings or clandestine trysts. In the winter we took ot he
desert to follow the trails made by the Army bivouac troops or up to the
mountains to ride horses or ski. That would be followed by a picnic and
rollicking in the dunes of White Sands Missile Range.
I am not saying my life was devoid of books. I recall staying with a distant uncle who gave me a large book bound in orange leatherette, I thought it so elegant. I treasured it and even slept with it. I also remember always enjoying the feel of carrying my school books, and excitement as I turned the pages. Never did I envision them being such an important part of my life.
After school I did not touch a book for a decade, until I met my would be husband. He would tell me about the books he was reading, one per week. Our first date was on a cold rainy weekend so I went to the bookstore-I was in heaven with all the empty, beautifully bound journals, my weakness, and then all the books-what to choose. I purchased the first two Bourne epics by Robert Ludlum. Luckily, Tom had two couches. I filled the coffee table with munchies and we spent the entire weekend reading-great first date.
I have been reading and collecting books since that weekend, and I am now half way through my second book. I treasure the friendships I have made as a result of books.
What of “the kids”? They are still in my life. We keep in touch on social media and have reunions every four years, and I always bring books to give as gifts.
Laura Davis says
I am not saying my life was devoid of books. I recall staying with a distant uncle who gave me a large book bound in orange leatherette, I thought it so elegant. I treasured it and even slept with it. I also remember always enjoying the feel of carrying my school books, and excitement as I turned the pages. Never did I envision them being such an important part of my life.
After school I did not touch a book for a decade, until I met my would be husband. He would tell me about the books he was reading, one per week. Our first date was on a cold rainy weekend so I went to the bookstore-I was in heaven with all the empty, beautifully bound journals, my weakness, and then all the books-what to choose. I purchased the first two Bourne epics by Robert Ludlum. Luckily, Tom had two couches. I filled the coffee table with munchies and we spent the entire weekend reading-great first date.
I have been reading and collecting books since that weekend, and I am now half way through my second book. I treasure the friendships I have made as a result of books.
What of “the kids”? They are still in my life. We keep in touch on social media and have reunions every four years, and I always bring books to give as gifts.
Laura Davis says
Nancy, what a great description of a unique first date between two
compatible readers. How wonderful to establish that kind of easy
comfort right from the beginning! Thanks for sharing this story. I could
really see your Uncle’s gift and imagine you treasuring it.
This felt very cozy Nancy, thank you for sharing!
Jane says
Jane says
Dear Nancy,
What a happy, healthy outdoors youth you were privileged to enjoy, near the amazing White Sands hill dunes! That is one of my favorite places in the US.
I was moved to be reading the magical tale about the beautiful book your Uncle gifted to you, and how you curled up with your treasured book in bed at night. Then the perfect date with the right guy for you.
Thank you for this lovely writing.
Beverly Boyd says
Miriam says
What a happy, healthy outdoors youth you were privileged to enjoy, near the amazing White Sands hill dunes! That is one of my favorite places in the US.
I was moved to be reading the magical tale about the beautiful book your Uncle gifted to you, and how you curled up with your treasured book in bed at night. Then the perfect date with the right guy for you.
Thank you for this lovely writing.
Beverly Boyd says
Hi Nancy,
I loved your description of life in the desert exploring with your friends.
A good read!
I loved your description of life in the desert exploring with your friends.
A good read!
Nancy, I love your merging of your ‘loves’, the ‘beautiful, bound
journals’ and the books, which became a beautiful way to connect with
your now husband. Thank you for sharing this!
Judy says
Judy says
Nancy, I enjoyed your piece and giggled as I read of your first
date with your husband. My husband of 30 years and I shared a similar
experience and to this day we still read aloud to each other. This
line….”beautifully bound journals, my weakness,” shouted to me and
further anchored me in your piece. Well done. Thank you and I look
forward to more.
Nancy, I loved hearing about your first date. The idea of lounging
on a couch and reading Bourne books and snacking sounds like heaven to
me. Thank you for sharing.
Friday, May 2, 2014
A Paris Apartment
By: Michelle Gable
Undoubtedly the best book I have read in years. Appealing to those who love to read about Paris, fanciers of art history or antiques and, of course, love. This chronicles the history and discovery of the magnificent apartment of the demi-mondaine Madame Marthe de Florian (Mathilde Heloise Beaugiron), her years at the Folies and as muse to the Belle Epoque portraitist, Giovanni Boldini. The 9th arrondissement apartment was sealed up (from the Germans) over 70 years ago and discovered in 2010 when Sotherby's Continental furniture specialist, April Vogt, went in to discover it was packed with priceless furniture and art, including the never before seen Boldini portrait of Marthe that sold at auction for $2.1 million euros.
In a bookcase were her journals. She has a lively sense of humour (I laughed so much) like when she first becomes acquainted with "le penis"..."it is really quite ridiculous, this creature", and her first paramour Msr. Buree' makes his fortune in bat guarno (bat shit)...she laughs, I laugh.
April is working with estate solicitor, the oh-so-french, Luc Thebault (of course ladies), who is as luscious as his name and accent. He is uncooperative, then cooperative, then rude, then flirtatious thus keeping "Avril", who already has a rocky marriage, in a continual befuddled state but they soon develop a symbiotic relationship and he lets her read the journals. The banter between them is endearing, the attraction undeniable, the respect surmountable.
There is a sisterhood between our heroines, April and Marthe. Both share the need for excitement/entertainment but their own personal demons/insecurities keep them from truly enjoying life. One uses men to achieve a rich life style and acceptance (or was it love?) from Parisian society, but is controlled by the men who have the pursestrings (she did not love) and the artist who holds what love she has to give plus the baby. The other searches for fulfillment and the love but is a slave to the memory of her mother's slow demise and the neglect she feels because of her father choosing to be with her mother over her, then sells all of her mother's things. This spills over to her husband who starts their marriage with a pre-nup, a gregarious ex-wife and infidelity. Both women find a man who emotionally supports them until their lives evolve.
You will not be disappointed with this wonderful work of literature. I am a fan.
Undoubtedly the best book I have read in years. Appealing to those who love to read about Paris, fanciers of art history or antiques and, of course, love. This chronicles the history and discovery of the magnificent apartment of the demi-mondaine Madame Marthe de Florian (Mathilde Heloise Beaugiron), her years at the Folies and as muse to the Belle Epoque portraitist, Giovanni Boldini. The 9th arrondissement apartment was sealed up (from the Germans) over 70 years ago and discovered in 2010 when Sotherby's Continental furniture specialist, April Vogt, went in to discover it was packed with priceless furniture and art, including the never before seen Boldini portrait of Marthe that sold at auction for $2.1 million euros.
In a bookcase were her journals. She has a lively sense of humour (I laughed so much) like when she first becomes acquainted with "le penis"..."it is really quite ridiculous, this creature", and her first paramour Msr. Buree' makes his fortune in bat guarno (bat shit)...she laughs, I laugh.
April is working with estate solicitor, the oh-so-french, Luc Thebault (of course ladies), who is as luscious as his name and accent. He is uncooperative, then cooperative, then rude, then flirtatious thus keeping "Avril", who already has a rocky marriage, in a continual befuddled state but they soon develop a symbiotic relationship and he lets her read the journals. The banter between them is endearing, the attraction undeniable, the respect surmountable.
There is a sisterhood between our heroines, April and Marthe. Both share the need for excitement/entertainment but their own personal demons/insecurities keep them from truly enjoying life. One uses men to achieve a rich life style and acceptance (or was it love?) from Parisian society, but is controlled by the men who have the pursestrings (she did not love) and the artist who holds what love she has to give plus the baby. The other searches for fulfillment and the love but is a slave to the memory of her mother's slow demise and the neglect she feels because of her father choosing to be with her mother over her, then sells all of her mother's things. This spills over to her husband who starts their marriage with a pre-nup, a gregarious ex-wife and infidelity. Both women find a man who emotionally supports them until their lives evolve.
You will not be disappointed with this wonderful work of literature. I am a fan.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
One Day in Budapest
By: J. F. Penn
Although I was asked to review this audio book by the author, I had purchased the Kindle version already because the title piqued my interest (not knowing it was #4 in a series), so I have to congratulate the author for a book that can stand alone as a well written piece of fiction and historically accurate.
That being said, I commend J.F. Penn on an emotional and poignant manuscript of history. Being a history buff I can relate to these events of the Jews to the past civilizations; to the Jacobites who stored treasures of King James' and weapons in caves throughout Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland. In WWII the treasures and supplies hidden under London in, what is now, 'the Tube'. I myself have always felt there are the makings for nuclear weapons under Berlin in Hitler's underground highway (actually city), and in bunkers under the dunes in the deserts and mountain caves in the middle east. This book reminds me of the repetition of nationalists. I began to cry because of the truths and possibilities of the recurrences in our lifetime and that of our children.
I am a fan and will be spending the summer reading the series in its entirety. Congratulations J.P.
Although I was asked to review this audio book by the author, I had purchased the Kindle version already because the title piqued my interest (not knowing it was #4 in a series), so I have to congratulate the author for a book that can stand alone as a well written piece of fiction and historically accurate.
That being said, I commend J.F. Penn on an emotional and poignant manuscript of history. Being a history buff I can relate to these events of the Jews to the past civilizations; to the Jacobites who stored treasures of King James' and weapons in caves throughout Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland. In WWII the treasures and supplies hidden under London in, what is now, 'the Tube'. I myself have always felt there are the makings for nuclear weapons under Berlin in Hitler's underground highway (actually city), and in bunkers under the dunes in the deserts and mountain caves in the middle east. This book reminds me of the repetition of nationalists. I began to cry because of the truths and possibilities of the recurrences in our lifetime and that of our children.
I am a fan and will be spending the summer reading the series in its entirety. Congratulations J.P.
Monday, March 24, 2014
The Scoundrel's Secret Siren
By: Daphne du Bois
It has been some time since I have read such a fun and sweet story. The author writes to spark our imagination and lead us through a fantasy. Even in this era (21st century), don't we dream of doing something out of the norm, something unacceptable, but fun? Further, having our fantasy of an illicit encounter with a roue'. An Earl that is tall, has broad shoulders and chest (mandatory), the smile that admits him in and out of trouble-not to mention the lips, and a deep, resonate voice. He absconds first with her lips, her virtue and her heart...take me away!
So it goes for Lorlei Lindon, who meets said Earl on the Paddington the middle of the night...when she is ghost hunting. His carriage is disabled so he climbs up behind her to be rescued. Even her horse, Tulip, doesn't mind. As a thank you, he gives her a first memorable kiss under the veil that hides her face, and he snatches her deceased mother's locket.
Later, in town for her presentation and first season, at a garden party given by her new friend Julia who introduces her to her uncle-she recognizes the name-Alasdair Tilbury, sixth Earl of Winbourne. And he recognizes her golden locks.
Much as she tries, she cannot stay away from him-that voice, those arms, those lips. And, try as he might (tongue in cheek), he cannot stay away from her. He cannot deny she is chipping away at his cold rake's heart. This ducking and dodging leads to some unexpected, humorous and enticing scenarios including her showing up to act at his inconspicuous 'second' in a duel in which he spots her, thus leading him getting injured, and she risks her reputation to take him to an inn to tend to his wound for a week.
LaThere is dancing, walks/rides in Hyde Park, horseback riding instructions at a country estate with the earl in tow, that all ends in chaos and Lorlei lost in Alastair's eyes...and his lips...on hers.
It has been some time since I have read such a fun and sweet story. The author writes to spark our imagination and lead us through a fantasy. Even in this era (21st century), don't we dream of doing something out of the norm, something unacceptable, but fun? Further, having our fantasy of an illicit encounter with a roue'. An Earl that is tall, has broad shoulders and chest (mandatory), the smile that admits him in and out of trouble-not to mention the lips, and a deep, resonate voice. He absconds first with her lips, her virtue and her heart...take me away!
So it goes for Lorlei Lindon, who meets said Earl on the Paddington the middle of the night...when she is ghost hunting. His carriage is disabled so he climbs up behind her to be rescued. Even her horse, Tulip, doesn't mind. As a thank you, he gives her a first memorable kiss under the veil that hides her face, and he snatches her deceased mother's locket.
Later, in town for her presentation and first season, at a garden party given by her new friend Julia who introduces her to her uncle-she recognizes the name-Alasdair Tilbury, sixth Earl of Winbourne. And he recognizes her golden locks.
Much as she tries, she cannot stay away from him-that voice, those arms, those lips. And, try as he might (tongue in cheek), he cannot stay away from her. He cannot deny she is chipping away at his cold rake's heart. This ducking and dodging leads to some unexpected, humorous and enticing scenarios including her showing up to act at his inconspicuous 'second' in a duel in which he spots her, thus leading him getting injured, and she risks her reputation to take him to an inn to tend to his wound for a week.
LaThere is dancing, walks/rides in Hyde Park, horseback riding instructions at a country estate with the earl in tow, that all ends in chaos and Lorlei lost in Alastair's eyes...and his lips...on hers.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Moment of Contentment
For any of us to be able to tell about ‘a’ moment when complete and utter contentment chose to shine upon us seems impossible. As we travel the roadways of life, some are dirt lanes, cobblestone or brick streets, the paved boulevards and the cement interstate highways.
I walked, or rode my bike, on dirt paths through the desert in Texas. I can still smell the damp mesquite and flowering cactus after a summer rain, and see the poppy’s covering the San Jacinto mountains. On the weekends my parents took us into the mountains of New Mexico to follow other dirt paths on horseback. We would gallop across meadows then go to the stream to water the horses. No worries, just dirt paths.
The cobblestone or brick streets signified the growth and changes, because in history as the roads changed so did we advance and the horses are replaced by the automobile. I, too, grew with the times (in my SS396) and went out on my own travelling the country as a photographer. I learned to care for, trust an like myself. hen one learns to be a responsible adult (said tongue in cheek) there is a great contentment in knowing ones self.
I relate my (finally) going to college and the paved boulevard with its wide, multiple lanes and accessible turn arounds. While driving you can easily turn and go another direction without addressing a stop light, as in college changing majors. For myself, I travelled, experienced and grew before knowing what I wanted to go to college for, and there I learned structure as in an outline. The pride in myself and from my parents made me very content.
But then it was time to get on the interstate high speed highway of professional employment. The scenery is mostly gone but who notices because there is so much traffic and everyone is in a hurry. But then you look and you are coming into NYC, Chicago or Chattanooga at night and the lights are so beautiful; or you are driving through the Blue Ridge Parkway or up Highway 1 and you look to your right or left to a pasture or amazing seascape (for those of you in the UK, sheep) and everyone sees it too so the flow of traffic turns gentle just like a great job.
My contentment, now that I am retired is reading and writing and I am riding a bike down a land in Provence or I ride a horse in Devon or the Highlands of Scotland, or my beloved desert southwest. I am content in books and writing and, hopefully, we will all be content with our memories.
I walked, or rode my bike, on dirt paths through the desert in Texas. I can still smell the damp mesquite and flowering cactus after a summer rain, and see the poppy’s covering the San Jacinto mountains. On the weekends my parents took us into the mountains of New Mexico to follow other dirt paths on horseback. We would gallop across meadows then go to the stream to water the horses. No worries, just dirt paths.
The cobblestone or brick streets signified the growth and changes, because in history as the roads changed so did we advance and the horses are replaced by the automobile. I, too, grew with the times (in my SS396) and went out on my own travelling the country as a photographer. I learned to care for, trust an like myself. hen one learns to be a responsible adult (said tongue in cheek) there is a great contentment in knowing ones self.
I relate my (finally) going to college and the paved boulevard with its wide, multiple lanes and accessible turn arounds. While driving you can easily turn and go another direction without addressing a stop light, as in college changing majors. For myself, I travelled, experienced and grew before knowing what I wanted to go to college for, and there I learned structure as in an outline. The pride in myself and from my parents made me very content.
But then it was time to get on the interstate high speed highway of professional employment. The scenery is mostly gone but who notices because there is so much traffic and everyone is in a hurry. But then you look and you are coming into NYC, Chicago or Chattanooga at night and the lights are so beautiful; or you are driving through the Blue Ridge Parkway or up Highway 1 and you look to your right or left to a pasture or amazing seascape (for those of you in the UK, sheep) and everyone sees it too so the flow of traffic turns gentle just like a great job.
My contentment, now that I am retired is reading and writing and I am riding a bike down a land in Provence or I ride a horse in Devon or the Highlands of Scotland, or my beloved desert southwest. I am content in books and writing and, hopefully, we will all be content with our memories.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Sailing to Capri
This is a well written, and pleasantly read (for Audible) by Carrington MacDuffie, multifaceted story by Elizabeth Adler.
A sad, cold, wintry day...Sir Robert Waldo Hardwick is laid to rest.
Daisy Keane is put out of her life, her home by her unfaithful attorney husband, who takes everything and drives off with a 20 yr. old blonde. Daisy runs off to London to start a new life, it isn't going so well. She is eating cereal and cheese sandwiches, and she is unemployed. She comes across an invitation to a society cocktail party. She is approached by a, similarly bored, imposing man who invites her to dine with him. She agrees and is swept off to a fine, low key restaurant in his Bently. He is an interesting, and very rich man, unpretentious. She thinks he looks like Shrek or the Giant from Jack and the Beanstalk, Sir Robert Waldo Hardwick. Nonetheless, he knows her. He sees through her lies, the ones she tells outward and the ones she holds within. He is accepting of her with all her insecurities and self doubt, and offers her a job as his personal assistant. She moves into his Yorkshire estate, Sneadly Hall, with his dog "Rat". For years now, besides being his social secretary, personal assistant and public relations maven, they have shared travel, food, arguements and a deep friendship. A perfect 'marriage' without the sex. What will she do now without his guidance...without his friendship?
While saying her final goodbyes, and trying to pry Rat away from the grave of his master, a tall, dark stranger comes to her aide. He helps to get them home before the onset of a major snow storm, which means he stays for the night. He is Harry Montana of Dallas Texas, a private investigator and security specialist. He has worked with Sir Robert on and off for the past decade. In his last days, Sir Robert was concerned for his life and that is why Montana is there. This makes Daisy uneasy, and defensive for her beloved friends memory. But Montana convinces her there is reason to believe the auto accident that took his life was in fact MURDER. He gives her an envelope from Sir Robert containing three envelopes to be opened at different times. The first instructs her to host a week long yacht cruise to his Capri Villa Belkis where his final Will is to be read. He gave Montana six names of people he thinks have reason to kill him including:
1) Diane, the self-centered, gambling ex-wife
2) Filomena, the Italian mistress, who could have had it all
3) Rosalina, the love of his life
4)Heir Dopplemann, the genius scientist
5) David Ferrell, Wall Street to Queens
6) Charles Clement, the devious sex marketer
Who will get the estates and the fortune? Who is a murderer?
Upon the yacht, Blue Boat, tensions run high. Especially between Daisy and Montana, the tension is palpable, each fighting their own personal demons but the attraction unveils just as the personal stories of all the suspects unravel.
Daisy misses SIr Robert but still feels his presence in the wind in times of need. Further indication of his love and promise to always take care of her. But he also teaches them all about love and integrity in the end.
I love this story.
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